May 1996 Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, May 15, 1996

The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Ulland at 11:55 a.m. on Wednesday, May 15, 1996, in the 5th floor conference room at the Veterans Service Building, St. Paul, MN.

Trustees Present: Morrie Anderson, Nancy Brataas, Robert Cahlander, Archie D. Chelseth, David Erickson, Christine Fritsche, Scott Kile, Randall Knudson, Stephen L. Maxwell, William Smoley, Denise Stephens, Nellie Stone Johnson, and William Ulland.

Trustees Absent: Gary Mohrenweiser, Fannie Primm


  1. Call to Order/Announcement
    Trustee Ulland called the May 15, 1996, board meeting to order at 11:55 a.m., and made the following announcements: Chair Gary Mohrenweiser was unable to be attend and Vice Chair Ulland will facilitate the meeting. Trustee Ulland introduced and welcomed the three new MnSCU board members: Dennis Dotson, Robert Erickson, and Michael Vekich; and congratulated Nancy Brataas on her reappointment. The new board members' terms begin July 1, 1996, and run for six years.

  2. Approval of April 17, 1996, Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
    Trustee Knudson moved approval of the April 17, 1996, meeting minutes as submitted. Trustee Kile seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  3. Chair's Report
    Trustee Ulland, chairing the meeting in Trustee Mohrenweiser's absence, reported the Board of Trustees Executive Committee met as scheduled May 1, 1996. He reviewed the activities of the meeting:
    - Trustees Ulland and Mohrenweiser had met with the University of Minnesota Board of Regents, Chancellor Eaton, and President Hasselmo as part of an effort to further collaboration between MnSCU and the University of Minnesota. Trustee Ulland stated that these meetings have proven to be productive and will continue as needed.
    - A point of information: The Minnesota Technical College Student Association (MTCSA) would not be proposing an increase in student fees for the 1996-97 academic year.
    - The Board of Trustees will convene July 9, 1996, for a retreat which will focus on the public purpose of higher education.
    - The Board of Trustees will meet with key legislators for a meeting and dinner the evening of June 18, 1996. The purpose of this gathering is to get some ideas and comments about MnSCU's first year.
    - Representatives from the Akita campus will visit St. Cloud on May 24, 1996. Chair Mohrenweiser and Chancellor Eaton will meet with them and give a report at the June meeting.
    - Trustee Ulland gave a brief discussion of the board's intent for retreats beginning in July. The board will be taking action on the new schedule at the May board meeting. If adopted, the board will meet eight times annually for regular meetings and hold four retreats. The board also plans on visiting campuses either as a group or individually.
    - Chancellor Eaton's annual evaluation will be conducted during closed session at the July board meeting. Materials will be distributed at the June meeting.

  4. Trustee's Report: Report on the Annual Conference of the Association of Governing Boards (AGB)
    Trustee Fritsche summarized the activities of the annual conference of the Association of Governing Boards (AGB), March 30 to April 2, 1996. She urged participation from other trustees, indicating the valuable interaction board members attain as well as the educational value from the information presented.

  5. Chancellor's Report
    a. Chancellor's Initial Agenda Update
    Chancellor Eaton gave a brief summary on the Chancellor's Initial Agenda, stating that the time frames are being met and it is progressing as originally planned. Progress on the Initial Agenda will be part of the chancellor's evaluation in the closed session of the July board meeting.

    b. Presidency of Riverland Community College, A Technical and Community College
    Motion by Trustee Chelseth, seconded by Trustee Kile, to endorse the chancellor's recommendation to name John Gedker as president of the consolidating community and technical colleges in Albert Lea and Austin. The motion passed unanimously.

  6. Chancellor's Consent Agenda
    a. Authorization for Alcohol on Campus at Metropolitan State University
    Motion by Trustee Kile, seconded by Trustee Erickson, to approve the request to serve wine and beer on campus for the Metropolitan State University's annual Graduate Program Spring Dinner on May 17, 1996. The motion passed unanimously.

  7. Board Standing Committee Reports
    a. Educational Policy Committee

    1. Bachelor of Science in Aviation with Emphases in Professional Flight and Aviation Management, Mankato State University
      Motion by Trustee Fritsche, seconded by Trustee Erickson, to approve the request by Mankato State University to offer a new Bachelor of Science degree program in aviation with emphases in professional flight and aviation management in lieu of the current aviation management concentration within the business administration bachelor of science program. The motion passed unanimously.
    2. Associate of Applied Science Degree in International Business - Rainy River Community College and Confederation College, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
      Motion by Trustee Fritsche, seconded by Trustee Erickson, for approval of the request by Rainy River Community College and Confederation Colleges of Fort Frances, Ontario to offer a new associate of applied science degree program in international business. The motion passed unanimously.
    3. Mankato State University - Honorary Degree
      Motion by Trustee Fritsche, seconded by Trustee Chelseth, to authorize Mankato State University to award the degree of Honorary Doctor of Laws at its commencement to Mr. Glen Taylor. The motion passed unanimously.
    4. Proposed Action on Governance of the Community and Technical Colleges in Northeastern Minnesota
      Trustee Fritsche reviewed the request for governance of the community and technical colleges in northeastern Minnesota. Movement of the recommended motion will reduce costs by $300,000 annually and reduce the number of institutional and campus presidents from ten to six. The governance emphasizes consortial arrangements among institutions to build program and service ties while maintaining institutional autonomy.

      Motion by Trustee Fritsche, seconded by Trustee Kile to direct:

      • That Vermilion Community College at Ely become a multi-college district with the newly consolidated college at Eveleth/Virginia;
      • That the newly-consolidated Hibbing colleges, Itasca Community College and Rainy River Community College function as a consortium of colleges and develop a plan for integration and coordination of program and services;
      • That the executive positions in the current Arrowhead office be discontinued;
      • that the Arrowhead office be maintained as a service center assisting all northeastern institutions; and
      • that a strong program relationship between Lake Superior College and Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College be developed, effective July 1, 1996.

      A progress report will be submitted to the board at its July 1997 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

    5. Update on Strategic Comprehensive Program Enhancement (SCOPE)
      Trustee Fritsche reviewed the report given to the Educational Policy Committee at its May meeting. A schedule outlining the timelines will be provided at the June board meeting.

    b. Personnel Policy Committee
    1. Proposed Action on Collective Bargaining Agreement with Inter Faculty Organization (IFO)
      Trustee Erickson made a motion to table any decision on the MnSCU/IFO tentative contractual agreement. Trustee Maxwell seconded. (Non-debatable motion.) The motion passed unanimously.

      Trustee Ulland read the following statement: "MnSCU has recently been served with a lawsuit concerning equity of pay at St. Cloud University. The suit challenges parts of a number of collective bargaining agreements with the IFO. The agreements were intended to remedy past and future pay inequities. Because these agreements are at the heart of the lawsuit, the board believes it is necessary to delay action on the IFO agreement for a brief period while our staff seeks clarification from the IFO. We anticipate this delay to be no more than one to two weeks and we are prepared to call a special meeting of the board to consider action as soon as clarification is received."

    2. Resolutions Placing Employees on Unrequested Leave of Absence
      (a) Resolution Placing Employees on Unrequested Leave of Absence after Review of Hearing Officer's Recommendation
      Motion by Trustee Erickson, seconded by Trustee Fritsche, for approval of the resolution placing employees on unrequested leave of absence after review of hearing officers' recommendations. A roll call vote was taken; the motion passed unanimously.

      (b) Final Resolution Placing Employees on Unrequested Leave of Absence
      Motion by Trustee Erickson, seconded by Trustee Fritsche, for approval of the resolution placing employees on unrequested leave of absence. A roll call vote was taken; the motion passed unanimously.

      (c) Resolution Rescinding Previous Notice of Unrequested Leave of Absence
      1. Discontinuance and Reduction of Programs at Minneapolis Technical College
        Motion by Trustee Erickson, seconded by Trustee Brataas, to discontinue or reduce programs at Minneapolis Technical College. A roll call vote was taken; the motion passed unanimously.
      2. Resolution Terminating and Non-Renewing the Contracts of Probationary Technical College Instructors (Cities of the First Class)
        Motion by Trustee Erickson, seconded by Trustee Brataas, for approval of the resolution terminating and non-renewing the contracts of probationary technical college instructors (cities of the first class). A roll call vote was taken; the motion passed unanimously.
      3. Resolution Proposing to Terminate Technical College Instructors Due to Discontinuance of Position or Lack of Pupils (Cities of the First Class)
        Motion by Trustee Erickson, seconded by Trustee Fritsche, for approval of the resolution proposing to terminate technical college instructors due to discontinuance of position or lack of pupils (cities of the first class). A roll call vote was taken; the motion passed unanimously.
      4. Personnel Plan for Excluded Administrators
        Motion by Trustee Erickson, seconded by Trustee Fritsche, for approval of reinstatement of 1.10 Expense Reimbursement, Subd. 2, State University President Housing Expenses with a maximum reimbursement of $12,000. The motion passed unanimously.
      5. Proposed Policy 4.3 - Designation of Assigned Fields/Designated Assignments and Minimum Qualifications for Community College Faculty
        Motion by Trustee Erickson, seconded by Trustee Fritsche, for approval of the proposed policy 4.3, Designation of Assigned Fields/Designated Assignments and Minimum Qualifications for Community College Faculty, and repeals carryforward Community College Board Policy VI.02.07. The motion passed unanimously.

    c. Fiscal Policy Committee
    1. Minnesota Community College Student Association (MCCSA) and Minnesota State University Student Association (MSUSA) Fee
      Motion by Trustee Chelseth, seconded by Trustee Knudson, to take no action on the proposed fee increases, thereby allowing their implementation effective fall term 1996. The resultant statewide student fees for MSUSA and MCCSA will be set at a maximum of $0.17 per credit for academic years 1996-97 and 1997-98. The motion passed unanimously.

    d. Board Operations Committee
    1. Proposed Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule
      Motion by Trustee Chelseth, seconded by Trustee Ulland, for approval of the proposed meeting schedule as submitted, effective July 1, 1996. The motion passed unanimously. The schedule is as follows:

      Regular Meetings:

      July 16-17, 1996
      September 17-18, 1996
      October 15-16, 1996
      December 17-18, 1996
      January 14-15, 1997
      March 18-19, 1997
      April 15-16, 1997
      June 17-18, 1997

      Retreats/Trustee Education:
      August 21, 1996
      November 20, 1996
      February 19, 1997
      May 21, 1997

    2. Proposed Amendments to Policy 1A.1 - Governing Board Operating Procedures
      Trustee Maxwell reviewed the amendments made to policy 1A.1 - Governing Board Operating Procedures. Trustee Maxwell made a motion for approval of the amendments to policy 1A.1 - Governing Board Operating Procedures. Trustee Stephens seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
    3. Proposed Topics for Board of Trustees Educational Retreats
      Trustee Maxwell stated the committee had requested staff to generate a survey and ask for a priority list of the suggested topics previously submitted by the board members.

  8. Joint Council of Presidents
    No report was given.

  9. Joint Council of Student Associations
    Representatives from the three student associations gave brief updates on the activities within their organizations.

  10. MCCFA, IFO and UTCE: Joint Opportunity to Address the Board
    Larry Litecky, President of MCCFA, and Edgar Twedt, President of IFO, responded to the Board of Trustee's action on the IFO contract.

  11. Requests by Individuals to Address the Board
    No requests to address the board were made.

  12. Other Business
    No other business was brought before the board.

  13. Adjournment
    Trustee Maxwell moved adjournment at 12:25 p.m. Trustee Erickson seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Gary Mohrenweiser, Chair Board of Trustees
Cindy Hauser, Recording Secretary
