Exception Reporting: Third Quarter Measurements

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Measurement Trigger
1. Current year actual compared to current year budget by operating fund expenditures and revenues (GEN and revenue funds only) <90% of budgeted revenue receipted or >75% of budgeted expenditures expended
2. Actual enrollment as compared to projections ???3% from Fall projections
3. Current receivables compared to current year revenues ???10%
8. Capital and Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement project execution rate compared to plan (issued by the Facilities Unit on a project-by-project basis) Material variance from plan
10. MnSCU to MAPS reconciliation (including adjustments) One period behind
11. Timely and complete bank reconciliation (including adjustments) One month behind
12. Timely and complete Financial Aid reconciliation Not reconciled
13. Inter-fund transfers and accruals in balance Out of balance

If you have questions or comments please email us ( accounting@so.mnscu.edu) or refer to the staff directory link at the top of this page for additional contact information.

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