Exception Reporting: Measurements, timeline and triggers

The tables displayed below represent the entire set of measures that help determine financial stability and financial administration as established by the Board of Trustees Procedure 7.3.16, the time periods or monitoring timeline for each measurement, and a description of the exception that will trigger a variance to be reported.

Exception reports are generated to follow the monitoring timeline.

Subpart A:
Short Term Financial Stability

Measurement Timeline Trigger
1. Current year actual compared to current year budget by operating fund expenditures and revenues (general and revenue funds only). 3rd Qtr. < 90% of budgeted revenue receipted or >75% of budgeted expenditures expended
2. Actual enrollment as compared to projections March ???3% from projections
3. Current receivables compared to current year revenues. 3rd & 4th Qtrs. ??? 10%

Long Term Financial Stability

Measurement Timeline Trigger
4. Board required reserves - three-year consecutive history. Close of fiscal year Failure to adhere to approved plan
5. Net budgetary operating revenue over a two-year period. Close of fiscal year Two consecutive years of negative net revenue for colleges and universities with a budgetary fund balance < 20% of revenues.
6. Personnel costs as a percentage of total expenditures ?? compare to prior three??year average Close of fiscal year increase of 5% over three-year average
7. Cash and investments compared to number of months of operating expenses. 4th Quarter Less than 2 months

Subpart B:
Financial Administration Indicators

Measurement Timeline Trigger
8. Capital and Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement project execution rate compared to plan (issued by the Facilities Unit on a project-by-project basis) Quarterly Material variance from plan
9. Repair and replacement expenditures (over a three??year period) compared to budget and plan (issued by the Facilities Unit) Close of fiscal year Material variance from plan
10. MnSCU to MAPS reconciliation (including adjustments) Monthly (general fund) and Quarterly (all other funds) One period behind
11. Timely and complete bank reconciliation (including adjustments) Monthly One month behind
12. Timely and complete Financial Aid reconciliation Quarterly Not reconciled
13. Interfund transfers and accruals in balance Quarterly Out of balance
14. Proper use of chart of accounts (including program, subprogram, and other accounting codes) Mid fiscal year Material activity not in proper accounts or not following accounting principles
15. Timely Interim Statements Quarterly One period behind

If you have questions or comments please email us ( accounting@so.mnscu.edu) or refer to the staff directory link at the top of this page for additional contact information.

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