Career Exploration
Career exploration helps you make informed decisions about your future, align your work with your personal values and goals, and adapt to a changing job market. Minnesota State has the resources you need to help you succeed.
Continuing Education
Maybe you already have a degree or career, but want to learn a new skill or work toward your next promotion?
Through our colleges and universities at Minnesota State, you can take affordable, short-term, non-credit courses or workshops.
College and University Career Centers
Each Minnesota State college and university has a career center, where you can find career counselors, job postings, and more.
Find Career Planning Information
- Employment Readiness CareerForce MN
- Interest Assessment CareerForce MN
- Interest Profiler My Next Move O*Net
- Skills Assessment CareerForce MN
- Skills Matcher CareerOneStop
- Work Values Assessment CareerOneStop
Career Clusters, Fields, and Pathways
- Careers by Career Cluster O*NET Online
- Career Pathways Tool DEED
- Minnesota Career Fields, Clusters and Pathways (pdf) Minnesota State Career and Technical Education
Labor Market Data
- Current Labor Market Data DEED Career and Education Explorer
- Guide to State and Local Workforce Data U.S. Department of Labor
- Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics DEED
- Occupational Outlook Handbook U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- ABE Providers Literacy Minnesota
- Apprenticeships Apprenticeship USA
- Cost of Living in Minnesota DEED
- Certifications CareerOneStop
- Jobs CareerForce MN
- Licensed Careers CareerOneStop
- Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Campuses and Programs
- Occupations in Demand DEED
- Salary DEED
- Career Videos by Career Cluster CareerOneStop
- Career Videos by Industry CareerOneStop
- CareerOneStop
- CareerForce MN
- Minnesota Department of Economic Development (DEED)
- Minnesota Department of Education (MDE)
- Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE)
- O*Net Online
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