Bolded items are action items. Minutes are draft until approved.
1. | Minutes of January 17, 2012 (pdf) |
2. | Academic and Student Affairs Division Update |
3. | Proposed New Policy 3.39 - Transfer Rights and Responsibilities (First Reading) (pdf) |
4. | Academic and Student Affairs Committee Goal (pdf) |
1. | Minutes of June 21, 2011 (pdf) |
2. | Report on Connecting with Campus Initiative (pdf) |
3. | First Impressions of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Advancement (pdf) |
4. | Draft of New Member Orientation Plan: The Big Picture (pdf) |
4a. | Draft New Member Orientation Plan Information (pdf) |
The Audit Committee is not scheduled to meet in March.
The Diversity and Multiculturalism Committee is not scheduled to meet in March.
1. | Minutes of January 17, 2012 (pdf) |
2. | Finance and Facilities Update |
3. | FY2014-2019 Capital Budget Guidelines (First Reading) (pdf) |
4. | Minnesota State College - Southeast Technical Transportation Building Addition Approval (pdf) |
5. | Refunding of Revenue Bonds Series A and B and Reauthorization of Guarantee for St. Cloud State University Projects (pdf) |
6. | Revenue Fund Reallocation - Alexandria Technical and Community College (pdf) |
7. | Microsoft Campus Agreement Contract Approval (pdf) |
1. | Closed Session on Bargaining Pursuant to Minnesota Statute §13D.03 (2011) (pdf) |
1. | Minutes of November 16, 2011 (pdf) |
2. | Human Resources Update |
3. | Update on Presidential Searches (pdf) |
The Technology Committee is not scheduled to meet in March.
a. | Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting on January 18, 2012 (pdf) |
b. | Chancellor Review Process (pdf) |
c. | Development of 2013 System Work Plans and Committee Goals |
d. | Task Force/Study Session Regarding Board Committee Structure |
a. | Minnesota State College - Southeast Technical Transportation Building Addition Approval (pdf) |
b. | Refunding of Revenue Bonds Series A and B and Reauthorization of Guarantee for St. Cloud State University Projects (pdf) |
c. | Revenue Fund Reallocation - Alexandria Technical and Community College (pdf) |
d. | Microsoft Campus Agreement Contract Approval (pdf) |
All matters listed under Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. Any trustee may request that an item or items be removed from the Consent Agenda for independent consideration.
There are no Board Policy Decisions for March 21, 2012