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Anoka Technical College


Photo of Kodjo Vossah-Messan

Kodjo Vossah-Messan

Hometown: Oakdale, Minnesota
Graduated: 2019
Degree/Major: Associate of Applied Science (Electronics Engineering Technology and Biomedical Equipment Technician)

Born and raised in a small village in Togo, West Africa, Kodjo Vossah-Messan saw firsthand how a lack of medical resources can impact a life. 

“We had a small clinic, but it was not equipped. I saw a couple aunties die there. They went in for labor and they died delivering the baby because there was no equipment,” he said. 

Kodjo was more mechanically inclined but seeing that loss inspired him to help. 

With encouragement from colleagues at Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) where he worked in the maintenance department alongside the Biomed Tech team, Kodjo applied to Anoka Tech’s Electronics Engineering and Biomedical Equipment Technology (BMET) program. 

“I can only say good things about Anoka Tech,” he said, “The college location is intimidating for a person of color like me. But, when you walk into the campus, you will meet amazing people.” 

Kodjo continues to work at HCMC as a facilities management specialist and, with degree in hand, expands his role in more technical support regularly. He uses his skills to fix and ship used basic medical equipment back to the clinic in Togo. 

“For now, since I’m not there, all I can do is help remotely,” Kodjo said. “But maybe one day, when I retire, I will go back there and help more.”