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/stories/images/09-HTC.jpgsite://minnstate/stories/images/09-HTC.jpgminnstate09-HTC.jpgHTC_stroebl_shawn.jpg150418375375Photo of Lee TuckerHennepin Technical College

Hennepin Technical College

Photo of Lee Tucker

Lee Tucker

Hometown: Brooklyn Park, Minnesota (grew up in Liberia and Kenya)
Anticipated Graduation: 2021
Degree/Major: Fluid Power

When college student Lee Tucker began her internship, she immediately urged the company to hire her for a full-time job.

“I always made sure I was available to stay late,” said Lee. “I told them that they should hire me full-time because there’s work for me to do.” 

Her tenacity paid off. Soon Lee was working full-time at Hydraulics Specialty Inc. Among her responsibilities, she works with customers to diagnose problems on heavy machinery, such as hydraulic lifts.

Lee’s work aligned to her engineering technology classes at Hennepin Technical College (HTC). She credits support from the college community with helping her to enter her chosen field -- prior to graduation.

HTC ranks 22nd in the U.S. for the number of degrees granted to minorities in engineering technology fields. (Source: Diverse: Issues in Higher Education) Lee is pursuing an associate degree in Fluid Power.

“You can grow in so many ways in Fluid Power. There are terrific people in this field who want to help you get to where you want to go,” said Lee.