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Northwest Technical College

Photo of Malorie Grauman

Malorie Grauman

Hometown: Tenstrike, Minnesota
Anticipated Graduation: 2021
Degree/Major: Plumbing and HVAC

At Northwest Technical College, residential plumbing and HVAC student Malorie Grauman is excelling in her classes as a Post Secondary Enrollment Option student and has big dreams for her career in the field. 

The PSEO program allows Malorie to take college courses as a high school student. She is on track to simultaneously earn her high school diploma and plumbing and HVAC degree. 

With Northwest Technical College located less than 30 minutes from her hometown of Tenstrike, Minnesota, Malorie is thankful for the ability to work in an environment that promotes her learning style while staying close to home.

“Being the only female in my class was rather daunting, but my instructor Jeff Brower has been a major inspiration for me,” she said, “He had faith in my ability from the very beginning and helped me whenever he could. I owe a lot to Jeff, as well as my other instructors. They have all been very supportive and patient in my learning and are always willing to help.”

Malorie recently received NTC’s Outstanding Residential Plumbing/HVAC Student Award at this year’s second annual Student Achievement Day and earned Dean’s List honors for the spring 2020 semester. 

Set to graduate in spring 2021, Malorie plans to work in Bemidji and acquire her master plumbing license.