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Saint Paul College

Photo of Hilda Vera Terhark

Hilda Vera Terhark

Home Country: Venezuela
Graduated: 2020
Degree/Major: Associate of Applied Science (Culinary) and Baker and Pastry Certification

Venezuelan native Hilda Vera Terhark knew she had the potential to succeed; she just needed the education to make her dreams come true. Recognizing her homeland’s distressing economic conditions, Hilda brought her ambitious dreams to the United States in 2015.

After several years of amateur cooking and seeking the perfect place to learn, she patiently waited for the Saint Paul College International Program to open so she could learn essential culinary skills. She quickly found a place where she would thrive. With numerous scholarships in hand, Hilda graduated with high distinction and served as an inspiration to many students and faculty.

Hilda always believed that persistence would help her achieve the American Dream.

“The American dream is now possible for me due to my faith, a resilient mindset, the support of my family, and ultimately the incredible opportunities I received at Saint Paul College. Their entire team cheers on my success, including counselors, teachers, and classmates!”

Hilda works as a Baker at Keys Café and is on track to pursue her ultimate dream of opening a cake studio soon.