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Winona State University

Photo of Sulaiman Bada

Sulaiman Bada

Hometown: St. Michael, Minnesota
Anticipated Graduation: 2023
Degree/Major: Computer Science and Data Science

Born in Nigeria and raised in Minnesota, Sulaiman Bada developed an interest in technology when he was young. As he got older, his decision on what career to pursue solidified further and he decided to attend Winona State University (WSU). 

White attending WSU, Sulaiman has had a variety of hands-on learning opportunities within his field, many of which have centered on making a positive impact in the world. He worked on a project which proposed solar panels to power technology that would display environmental readings and community information, worked as an embedded systems engineer for an initiative giving homeless populations access to a clean pair of socks, and volunteered as a webpage designer and IT trouble-shooter for Bridges Health Winona, among others. His work has garnered much attention, and he was named a 2020 recipient of an Intertech Foundation STEM Scholarship. 

All of this experience is priming Sulaiman to realize success in pursuing his ultimate career goal: using artificial intelligence to build technologies that will improve human safety. He has already started to develop his own bicycle rider safety programming project, which he presented at this year’s Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation Pitch Competition. He envisions starting a company that specializes in building tools and platforms to raise safety of others.