Brianna Hill
Course assignments:
- Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems
I have 15 years of experience in Community Corrections, which includes adult probation, parole, and being a supervisor of juvenile programs and services, and juvenile drug court. I am finishing my Doctoral Degree (Ed.D) in the Spring of 2024. M.A in Leadership and Managment;B.A. in Criminal Justice, Psychology, and obtained a Forensic Science Certificate. I am an entrepreneur as well!
The most exciting things for me about the CJS are forensic science; it's always been a passion of mine. Also, the use of evidence-based practices that lead to criminal justice reform within the system.
Internships, internships, internships, job shadow, and volunteer. This is a key way to truly knowing if this is the field you want to study. Don't knock it until you try it. Also, there are many things I used to say "wasn't me" or "I don't do that", yet when I tried it out, it actually turned out to be a part of my purpose! I'm glad I was flexible enough to give things a try first.
I'm older than you think. It's called good genes and Mary Kay cosmetics!