Professional Development in Poverty Awareness

“Poverty is resolvable, however, making a difference for people who live in the crisis of poverty requires a paradigm shift. A shift that moves us beyond stereotypes and judgment to a deeper understanding of the causes of poverty and its impact on human beings. With this awareness, we can work together to provide genuine opportunities for people to move out of poverty."
-- Dr. Donna Beegle, Communications Across Barriers


Network of educators, advisors and administrators to share ideas and resources advocating for and supporting students from underrepresented populations, especially Minnesota State college students battling poverty.

Website – Resource repository, announcements and Minnesota events


Money Matters: The Impact of Poverty on Student Behaviors (.pdf, 2.6kb): Keynote presentation for the 2015 Minnesota State Student Affairs/Diversity and Multiculturalism Conference. Presenters: Michele Jersak, Century College; Denise Felder, Career & Technical Education.

Breaking Barriers: Changing Perceptions about Adult Learners (.pdf, 2.2kb): Introductory presentation for roundtable discussions workshop in fall of 2016 about promoting equity in Career & Technical Education. Presenters: Eva Scates-Winston and Denise Felder, Career & Technical Education.

People, Policies & Possibilities: Poverty on Our Campuses (.pdf, 2.1kb): Faculty development workshop for community college instructors and staff. Note: Some content reserved for live presentations only. Presenter: Denise Felder, Career & Technical Education.

Let’s Talk Poverty: Impacts of Poverty on College Success (.pdf, 1.5kb): Presentation for academic advisors exploring ways to support college students battling poverty. Note: Some content reserved for live presentations only. Presenter: Denise Felder, Career & Technical Education.

Changing Perceptions, Shaping Reality: CTE for Students Battling Poverty (.pdf, 4.9kb): Overview of 2016 U.S. economy and wages, socioeconomic perspectives of and about people living in poverty, and advising to enter high-wage career pathways. Presenter: Denise Felder, Career & Technical Education.


(Click on speakers' names to contact them. Inclusion does not equate endorsement by Minnesota CTE.)

Communications Across Barriers GoldStar Speakers

Julia Dinsmore

Denise Felder

Emily Saed

Eva Scates-Winston

TCI Solutions (Deon Clark and Joshua Olatunde)


To request professional development resources or training, contact: Yingfah Thao, Director of Professional Development at