Additional Information Schedules
Schedule 1-1 Incumbent Workforce Training Sample Course Offerings
Schedule 1-2 Total Labor Costs
Schedule 1-3 Faculty/Instructional Labor Costs
Schedule 2-1 Customized Training Network Strategic Planning
Schedule 2-2 MnSCU Customized Training Network Leadership Structure Design
Schedule 2-3 Organizational Structure at Institutions
Schedule 2-4 Participants in Regional Consortiums
Schedule 2-5 Non-Profit Centers Created by Institutions
Schedule 3-1 Revenue Reported and Clients Served
Schedule 3-2 Minnesota Job Skills Partnership Grants
Schedule 3-3 Customized Training Network Semi-Annual Performance Report Form
Schedule 3-4 Customized Training Network FY 99 Funding Summary for FY 98 Activity
Schedule 3-5 Customized Training Network FY 00 Funding Summary for FY 99 Activity
Schedule 3-6 FY00 Distribution Plan for $2.5 Million Appropriated for Customized Training by the 1999 Legislature
Schedule 3-7 Distribution of FY00 $2.5 Million in New Funds for Customized Training
Schedule 3-8 FY00 Funded Continuing Education Units Allocation Based on FY 98 Activity
Schedule 4-1 Institution and System Office Contacts
Schedule 4-2 On-line Courses Offered at MnSCU Institutions
Schedule 4-3 Orientation Process Best Practices
Schedule 4-4 Customized Training MAPE Bonuses
Schedule 4-5 MnSCU Standard Course Fees Charged