Legislative Information

Minnesota State is the most powerful and effective resource that the state has to ensure opportunity and prosperity for its citizens and communities. Across our great state, the 54 campuses of the Minnesota State system - containing nearly 22.5 million square feet of academic buildings - serve Minnesotans by providing hope and opportunity through higher education. Our 26 colleges and 7 universities contribute to an engaged, equitable, and productive society and serve as catalysts for social and economic vibrancy. They are places of hope and opportunity for Minnesotans who strive to create a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities.

In 2023, the colleges and universities of Minnesota State generated an economic impact of $8.4 billion in the state: $4.7 billion direct and $3.7 billion indirect and induced. This impact is the result of operational spending, capital spending (10-year average), payroll and benefits paid to employees, student spending, and visitor spending. Based upon this impact, $1 out of every $49 in the Minnesota economy is supported by Minnesota State.

Most of all, Minnesota State is proud of its students and their success stories.

Our Capital Request

We seek $541.4 million in funding in the 2024 legislative session for a capital program for:

Asset Preservation (HEAPR funding): $200 million

  • Provides for campus projects across the state addressing the most basic needs for updated roofs, windows, and exterior walls, as well as efficient and effective mechanical and utility systems.

Major capital project funding:$341.4 million

  • Funding for 15 major, campus-specific capital projects. Some of these projects are ready to begin construction, having received design funding in prior legislative sessions; the other projects will execute design and construction together or embark on the design process for construction to be funded in the future.

Together, the requested HEAPR and major capital project funding will:

  • Improve campus teaching and learning environments and improve student outcomes
  • Reduce operating expenses and ease pressure on campus operating budgets
  • Enhance science, technology, engineering, math, allied health, technical, business, and education classrooms and labs
  • Streamline student support services to increase student success

Our Supplemental Budget Request

We seek $61 million in funding in the 2024 legislative session for operational spending to support increases in campus expenses resulting from compensation and other cost increases over the biennium. The funding will help provide financial stabilization for our campuses.

Other Reference Materials:

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