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Hennepin Technical College Summer Camps

Academic Camps

How to Succeed in College - Career Exploration Camp

How to Succeed in College-Career Exploration is a 1 credit, hands-on course that introduces students to in-demand technical careers. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of careers including Transportation, Media Communications, Emergency Medical Careers, and Manufacturing. Students will also learn the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in college. This camp is free for students. We can’t wait for students to start their career exploration journey at Hennepin Technical College!


Public Safety Career Exploration Camp

Are you ready to explore a career as an Emergency Medical Technician, Firefighter, or Police Officer? Do you want to explore using real equipment, tour local facilities, and meet professionals working in the field? In this three-week course, participants will learn what is required to work in each field, including education, certification, and skills. Students that complete and pass the assignments as a part of this camp will receive three college credits and will become nationally certified in CPR/First Aid. This camp is held Monday-Thursday from 12-4pm at the Brooklyn Park campus and is free for students.