Semifinalists for President of Minnesota State University Moorhead Named

Posted: March 27, 2014

Contact: Noelle Hawton,, 651-201-1801

ST. PAUL, Minn., March 27, 2014 – Minnesota State Colleges and Universities has named three semifinalists who are under consideration to be president of Minnesota State University Moorhead. The candidates are Anne Blackhurst, Sam Minner, and Carlos Vargas-Aburto.

The candidates were recommended by a search advisory committee comprised of students, faculty, staff and community leaders and chaired by Dick Hanson, president of Bemidji State University. The candidates are scheduled to visit the campus of MSUM between March 31 and April 2. The campus visits present an opportunity for faculty, staff, students and members of the community to meet and offer feedback on each of the candidates. Details of the candidates’ campus visits and the process for providing feedback are available at

Anne Blackhurst has served as provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Minnesota State University Moorhead since 2011. Previously, she served at Minnesota State University, Mankato as acting vice president for academic and student affairs from 2010 to 2011, as interim dean and dean of graduate studies and research from 2006 to 2010, as chair of the department of counseling and student personnel from 2000 to 2001 and 2005 to 2006, and as professor in the department of counseling and student personnel from 2004 to 2011. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Boise State University, a master’s degree in counseling from the College of Idaho, and a doctorate in college student personnel from Ohio University. She will visit the MSUM campus on March 31.


Sam Minner has served as provost and vice president for academic affairs at Radford University (VA) since 2011. Previously, he served at Truman State University as  the dean of the school of health sciences and education from 2000 to 2011, at Northern Arizona University as chair of the department of instructional leadership from 1993 to 1997, as interim associate executive director of the center of excellence in education from 1991 to 1992, and as coordinator of center for excellence in education research services and grants management from 1989 to 1991. He holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary and special education and a master’s degree in learning and behavior disorders from Southern Illinois University, and a doctorate in cognitive and behavioral disabilities from the University of Arizona. He will visit the MSUM campus on April 2.


Carlos Vargas-Aburto has served at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania as provost and vice president for academic and student affairs since 2011 and as provost and vice president for academic affairs from 2006 to 2011. Previously, he served as provost and vice president for academic affairs at Central State University (OH) from 2003 to 2006, and at Kent State University in several capacities including director, program on electron beam technology from 2000 to 2003, associate dean for research from 2001 to 2003, interim assistant dean for research from 1998 to 2000, interim assistant dean from 1996 to 1998, as professor from 1996 to 2003, and associate/visiting associate professor from 1985 to 1996. He holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from the National University of Mexico, and a master’s degree in aerospace science, a master’s degree in physics, and a doctorate in physics and aerospace science from the University of Michigan. He will visit the MSUM campus on April 1.

Vargas Aburto

The MnSCU Board of Trustees is expected to act on Chancellor Steven Rosenstone’s recommendation of a final candidate at its April 23 meeting. The new president is expected to begin in July 2014.

The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities include 24 two-year community, technical, and comprehensive colleges and seven state universities serving more than 430,000 students. It is the fifth-largest higher education system of its kind in the United States.
