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/system/asa/innovations/innovation-funding/images/riverland-cc-austin-night-375-275.jpgsite://minnstate/system/asa/innovations/innovation-funding/images/riverland-cc-austin-night-375-275.jpgminnstateriverland-cc-austin-night-375-275.jpgriverland-cc-austin-night-375-275.jpg176994915631146Riverland Community College CampusCreating Customized OER for Astronomy

Creating Customized Open Educational Resources for Astronomy

Riverland Community College 


Riverland Community College created a collection of astronomy materials to act as a full replacement for a traditional astronomy textbook. This collection of documents, modules, and interactive web tools was built within Riverland’s learning management system D2L Brightspace. This design provides easy portability and flexibility, allowing the curriculum to be easily modified, remixed, and copied forward each semester. 

Type of Grant Received through Minnesota State Innovation Funding 

Large Seed Grant – $25,000 

Minnesota State faculty, staff, and administrators interested in applying for an innovation funding grant can visit the Innovation Funding SharePoint (log in using to find more information and applications.