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/system/asa/innovations/innovation-funding/images/minneapolis-college.jpgsite://minnstate/system/asa/innovations/innovation-funding/images/minneapolis-college.jpgminnstateminneapolis-college.jpgminneapolis-college.jpg32243375275Minneapolis College campus.Game-based Learning with Technological Know-How

Welcome to the Agency, Again: Watering the Seed of Game-based Learning with Technological Know-How

Minneapolis College


Composition faculty at Minneapolis College were concerned about the low course completion rates they were seeing in online courses. To confront this problem, they envisioned a gamified online learning course based on role-playing dynamics.  Employing the services of a programmer and graphic designer, they set out to create a more immersive and enticing online learning environment.

Type of Grant Received through Minnesota State Innovation Funding 

Large Seed Grant – $25,000


Gill Creel

Minnesota State faculty, staff, and administrators interested in applying for an innovation funding grant can visit the Innovation Funding SharePoint (log in using to find more information and applications.